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Urogynecology is the field of pelvic health and reconstructive surgery for women. In this field, we offer hope for problems affecting over 200 million women worldwide.

UrogynecologyThe pelvic floor is a layer of muscles which span the pelvis and support the pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder and bowel. It can become weak, often due to pregnancy and giving birth, aging, extra weight and surgery.

Some Urogynecology problems that we treat are:

 Stress Urinary Incontinence  Urine leakage occurs with increase in abdominal pressure (coughing, laughing, sneezing and/or lifting a heavy object).

 Urge Urinary Incontinence : Often referred to as “overactive bladder.” Inability to hold urine long enough to reach the restroom. Women often describe a sudden urge to urinate followed immediately by leaking. Some leak on the way to the bathroom or while they are taking off their pants.

Mixed Incontinence: This is when two or more causes contribute to urinary incontinence. It often refers to the presence of both stress and urge incontinence. For example, someone has the combination of stress incontinence (leaking with coughing, sneezing, exercise, etc.) and urge incontinence (leaking along with a need to get to the bathroom), this is known as mixed urinary incontinence. Often, a woman may first experience one kind of leaking, and finds that the other begins to occur later.

Pelvic Prolapse: The weakening of the ligaments and muscles that support the pelvic organs and can cause them to drop.